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Embracing the Change: Empowering Mature Women Through Their Menopause Journey

By March 5, 2023March 29th, 2023One Comment 3 min read

woman embracing change

Mature women, it’s time to talk about the transition you may be experiencing, a time that can feel overwhelming and confusing. Menopause is a significant phase in every woman’s life, and as a gynecologist, I have seen firsthand how it can affect women emotionally, physically, and mentally. Today, I want to share with you an open and honest discussion about the challenges you may face during menopause and the power you have to take control of your own health and well-being. It’s time to embrace the change, be proactive  toward  a happier, healthier you.

Menopause and Its Effects

The journey of menopause can be a complex one. It is a time of change, which can often leave women feeling forgetful, overwhelmed, or anxious. You may find yourself struggling to remember simple details or asking the same questions repeatedly. This is not your fault, and it is essential to recognize that these memory lapses are simply a part of the transition you are not developing dementia.

Menopause can also affect your libido. Many women experience a decrease in sexual desire during this time, and it can be challenging to navigate these changes in your relationships. While some may suggest “faking it till you make it,” I firmly believe that this is not the solution. As women, we deserve better than to simply accept this as our reality.

The Struggle for Female Sexual Health Solutions

It’s no secret that men have a plethora of products and treatments available to address their sexual health concerns, such as Viagra and Cialis. However, for women experiencing sexual dysfunction, the options are significantly more limited. As of now, there are no approved products or devices specifically for female sexual dysfunction on the market. This is not acceptable, and it’s time for us to demand change.

The Importance of Empowering Women

During menopause, it is crucial to empower women to take control of their own health and well-being. This starts by encouraging open and honest conversations about the challenges you may be experiencing. It is important to feel comfortable discussing your symptoms, including any pain or discomfort in your vagina, with your healthcare provider. Do not shy away from using the correct terminology – it’s time to embrace the word “vagina” and normalize these conversations.

Taking Control of Your Menopause Journey

meditation middle-aged woman

As you navigate this transition, remember that you are not powerless. While certain aspects of life are beyond our control, such as the day we are born and the day we die, everything in between is shaped by the choices we make. It’s time to be proactive and take charge of your health during menopause.

I have developed the Dr. Roz Formula to help manage menopause and improve your overall well-being. This acronym stands for:

  • Detox: Remove toxins from your body and eliminate negative energy that may be holding you back.
  • Rebalance: Test and rebalance your hormone levels using natural hormone therapy.
  • Resist: Limit your sugar intake to reduce inflammation and promote healthy aging.
  • Oxygenate: Take time to breathe and enjoy life, focusing on the things that bring you joy.
  • Zone Out: Reduce stress through meditation, exercise, and learning to say no when necessary.


Embracing the change and taking control of your menopause journey can lead to a more confident and healthier version of yourself. You can regain your energy, improve your relationships, and rediscover the woman you’ve become. It’s important to remember that menopause is a natural part of life, and it should be celebrated as a new chapter in your journey. It’s time to empower yourself and demand the resources and support you need to navigate this transition successfully. By having open conversations with your healthcare provider, taking charge of your health through healthy lifestyle choices, and seeking out solutions that work for you, you can create a menopause journey that is both manageable and fulfilling. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help, and remember that you are not alone in this experience. Together, we can embrace the change and empower mature women to live their best lives.

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One Comment

  • Rhonda Sanderman says:

    I’m currently doing a 30 day cleanse and detox with a health coach. Next I will be doing the Dutch test ad it’s been a few years since my previous one.
    I currently work with an out of state provider for BHRT and not totally satisfied.
    I love everything I’ve seen about your approach to health because I’ve worked in the healthcare system for 40 years and very disappointed with common practice. Can I schedule an appointment with you g F or hormone management when I get my results back?
    Thank you!

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