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By November 21, 2021November 30th, 2021No Comments4 min read



My personal motto for the New Year 2022 is, “it’s your time to do what you want to do. Make whatever it is you want happen this year, just speak it into existence!” You have to speak it before you can see it.  And if you said you’re going to lose weight this year then this article is for you!

What makes a woman feel beautiful and have a youthful radiance that shines from within? Removing toxins that wreak havoc on the body! Detoxification is the first step to earning that youthful feeling and to accelerate any new weight loss regimen.

I believe that what you speak is what you get but, you have to be realistic when it comes to your weight loss. You can not say that you want to lose weight and then decide to eat donuts for breakfast every morning!  You just have to do the right thing when it comes to losing weight. If it didn’t work in 2021, then you need to go deeper and do it differently in 2022. The skinny on skinny is getting garbage out of the body.

Over time, the body gets congested with toxins. Toxins come from the environment, the by-products of what we eat and what we put on our bodies. The body needs fuel (food) for energy but it’s the kind of fuel you give your body that matters and how you eliminate waste products from the broken down fuel that affects your ability to lose weight.

the liver

Toxins are removed from the body naturally through the liver as well as through sweating, breathing, defecation, and urination. The liver is the main organ for detoxification. Detoxification is the ability to metabolize or break down waste creating metabolites and eliminating them. The liver acts as a filter to rid the body of waste. What happens when the liver is overwhelmed with toxins? Toxins go straight into your fat cells also known as adipocytes.

The goal with any weight loss program is to shrink fat cells and that can be difficult if your fat cells are congested because of your liver. A critical component of detoxification and having success with weight loss is involved with cleaning out your filter. Think of it like cleaning the filter of your car. Your car runs better when the filter is cleaned. Fat cells shrink when they are cleared of toxins. Detoxification will get you back on track and accelerate your weight loss.  There are other added bonuses to detoxification.

Detoxification helps to improve mental clarity by eliminating brain fog, lowering inflammation, helping to promote balanced hormones, reverse the signs of aging, lower anxiety, and, most importantly, stop those unhealthy cravings! Detoxing does not mean eating cabbage soup for 30 days or drinking magnesium citrate. To detox right, you need a system that addresses the three levels of detoxification. Level 1 is to put the toxin in a form that can be removed from the body. Level 2 is to bind the toxin to be transported and level 3 is to excrete it from the body through urination.



Cleare Change

I recommend the Clear change 10-day or 28-day detoxification program by Metagenics.  There are many products available on the market but I like this one the best because you get to eat! It is not realistic to drink a shake several times a day for 7 – 10 days without eating real food.The foods you eat during the detox also matters. The Clear change 10-day detox system comes with a booklet that tells you what you can and cannot eat for optimal results.  It also comes with some amazing recipes!

Detoxification is simply clearing the way for your body to work the way it should when it comes to eliminating toxins. Once the 10-day Detox is over I recommend you continue with the healthy diet introduced on day 8 of the 10-day detox and weekly Lipo –B injections. Lipo-B is often referred to as the “Slim Shot”. It has all-natural ingredients including Vitamin B12, Inositol, and Methionine. This combination of vitamins and amino acids helps to continue your weight loss success and gives you the energy to get through the day without grabbing an unhealthy snack.

The ultimate form of anti-aging and attacking your weight loss on a deeper level is removing toxins and waste from your body.

Happy Detoxing!

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