If you’ve been looking for a dedicated, knowledgeable gynecologist, look no further than Rosalind Jackson, MD. She and her caring team at Total Health and Wellness: Center for Personalized Medicine in Miamisburg, Ohio work to ensure that every patient they see receives the best care.
Whether you visit us for Botox® & fillers, endometrial ablation, OBGYN services, weight loss services, or other reason, you get a team of dedicated professionals in your corner, helping you look and feel your best so you can get back to enjoying your life.
What YOU Get
Whether you’re a new patient or you’ve visited us before, we hope you’ll enjoy our brand new website we built with the help of a marketing agency in Kansas City, Lifted Logic.
The exciting web design process allowed us to carefully choose the layout most helpful for our patients. The new site is easy to navigate and allows you to get quick and reliable information, no matter which of our services you require.
Our new website has made learning more about Total Health & Wellness’s services and contacting us easier than ever. From one convenient place, you can:
- Learn more about our practice and the services we offer
- Schedule an appointment
- Perform a virtual consultation based on your concerns
- Purchase gift certificates
- Stay up-to-date on our blog
- Learn about your financing options
- Fill out your forms
- And more!
“The Total Health and Wellness team was a pleasure to work with! They put in the time and effort to ensure the best possible website to serve the people they work with. They are truly dedicated to their patient experience.
— Todd Smidt, Project Manager at Lifted Logic
Upgrade Your Health & Wellness Today
Feel free to explore our website for more information or contact us today for more information about our products & services.