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Stop Feeding Your Inflammation

By August 5, 2024November 22nd, 2024No Comments2 min read

Have you ever looked at your food and thought, “mmm, I’m about to enjoy this bowl of heartburn and indigestion?” Of course, not – no one does that. The reality is, we all love to indulge in foods that we know come with unpleasant side effects. We just write them off and repeat the cycle without a second thought.  But what if I told you those innocent-seeming comfort foods could be quietly feeding the inflammation in your body? It’s a hard pill to swallow, I know. After all, who wants to give up their favorite comfort foods? (my favorite is a nice scoop of butter pecan ice cream).

Yet, the truth is, the foods we love the most are often the ones doing the most damage. Take that delicious green juice you’ve been sipping – chances are, you feel energized and light after drinking it, right? That’s because nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods help calm the fire within.  On the flip side, indulgent dishes like a bowl of sugary cereal first thing in the morning may cause you to feel sluggish and weighed down. That’s a telltale sign that they’re fueling inflammatory processes in your body.

You see, inflammation is at the root of so many chronic health issues, from joint pain and autoimmune disorders to heart disease and cancer. And your diet plays a major role in either adding to or easing those internal flames.  The good news is, with the right functional medicine approach, you can break the inflammation cycle.  It’s all about identifying and addressing the root causes – whether that’s food sensitivities, gut imbalances, or stress – to extinguish inflammation at its source.

So, are you ready to stop feeding the fire and start feeling your absolute best?

Green Lemonade Recipe:

  • kale – 2 large leaves including the stem
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 stalk of celery

(use as much or as little of the ingredients as you like)

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