What if your body feels like it’s still missing something? You may experience forgetfulness or find it difficult to sleep through the night. You may also experience a lack of sex drive. If you ignore the symptoms at the various stages of perimenopause and menopause, you may find your body aging at a rapid progression. When used solely, estrogen has a greater chance of decreasing the body’s testosterone levels because it increases a hormone called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). When it binds with testosterone, then testosterone can’t be used for other critical roles in the body. Testosterone is needed to burn fat, boost lean body mass and a better libido. It can also boost your memory and keep your bones from breaking and becoming brittle. If you’re starting to see my point, you’ve realized that you need to go beyond the sole usage of estrogen. There are other natural hormones needing to be replaced such as testosterone, progesterone and DHEA to help you feel your optimum best. You don’t want to miss out on the best part of your life because your body is not in balance. Taking charge of your life and getting it back in balance is easy as 1, 2, 3. First, you need to recognize the changes you’re going through and come to terms that you don’t feel the way you used to. Second, you need to have your hormone levels tested. My preferred method is by having your levels tested for accuracy using saliva. Third, you need to begin a balanced combination of natural hormone replacement therapy that is designed just for your body, and it’s specific needs. Come in for your hormone consultation today, because there’s no better way to take charge of your health than taking the first step.
Be Ageless,
Dr. Roz