Wrinkle Injection in Dayton, Ohio

Total Health & Wellness MEDSPA
No. 1 Wrinkle Injection Center in Dayton, Ohio

Wrinkle Injection treatments in Dayton, Ohio offer effective facial rejuvenation by reducing wrinkles, including forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet. Our board-certified team provides expert Wrinkle Injection and creates a personalized treatment plan to target your signs of aging. Injected into facial tissues, Wrinkle Injection temporarily limits muscle contractions responsible for dynamic wrinkles. Results appear in 3 to 5 days, with continued improvements for 2 weeks. Lasting 3 to 4 months, maintenance treatments ensure long-lasting benefits. Enhance your appearance with Wrinkle Injection and dermal fillers at our Dayton clinic.

At a Glance

  • Suitable for: Forehead lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet
  • Best Results: up to 14 days
  • Duration of Results: 3 to 4 months
  • Treatment Recovery: None
  • Risks & Complications: Low
  • Anesthetic: Topical
  • Procedure Time: 15 minutes
  • Back to Work: Same day

Before & After
Wrinkle Injection

How it Works

Wrinkle Injection belongs to a category of cosmetic injectables known as neuromodulators. It’s composed of a neurotoxin protein called botulinum toxin type A, which blocks communication between specific nerves and muscles. Dynamic wrinkles, such as frown lines and forehead lines, appear because of the overuse of certain facial muscles to convey emotions, such as laughing and frowning. Wrinkle Injection essentially paralyzes the targeted facial muscles, softening the associated expression lines and making you look younger and more refreshed.

Wrinkle Injection in Dayton can also help you prevent wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles appear when the overuse of certain facial muscles leads to permanent creases that stay on your face even at rest. If you start Wrinkle Injection treatments at an early age, you can prevent the overuse of facial muscles, thereby preventing expression lines or delaying their onset. However, Wrinkle Injection results only last for 3 to 4 months because your body eventually metabolizes the neurotoxin protein, so you need maintenance treatments.

Wrinkle Injection at
Total Health & Wellness

Treatment Areas

  • Horizontal forehead lines
  • Glabellar lines or frown lines between the eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Bunny lines around the nose bridge
  • Smoker’s lines around the mouth
  • Cobblestone chin
  • Other expression lines on the face
woman smiling



Other Wrinkle Injection Uses

Alleviating Migraine Headaches

Wrinkle Injection is FDA-approved to treat or alleviate headaches for adults with chronic migraines. Wrinkle Injection is injected into targeted areas on both sides of the head and neck. It blocks the neurotransmitters that carry the pain signals into your brain, thus blocking the chemicals responsible for your headaches. Patients with migraines generally need Wrinkle Injection injections once every 12 weeks to minimize headaches.

TMJ Treatment

Our Dayton Wrinkle Injection is a suitable treatment for TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, which leads to jaw pain and tension. TMD occurs when the joints on either side of the head are overactive, leading to extreme jaw tension. Wrinkle Injection temporarily reduces unconscious jaw clenching and movements, thereby alleviating jaw tension and pain. Most patients start seeing results within 3 days, with continued improvements for 2 weeks.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment

When injected into targeted regions in the underarms, the neurotoxin protein blocks communication between the sweat glands and the nerve endings that facilitate and cause sweating. This prevents you from sweating uncomfortably at inopportune moments, such as in professional settings and social engagements. The results gradually appear over two weeks and last for 3 to 4 months.


  • Non-surgical and injectable treatment
  • No pain or discomfort
  • Concludes within 15 minutes
  • Minimal side effects
  • Corrects or prevents wrinkles
  • No downtime

Wrinkle Injection for Facial Rejuvenation

Welcome to Dr. Roz’s premier Wrinkle Injection treatment center in Dayton, Ohio. With extensive training and years of experience, Dr. Roz is a highly skilled Wrinkle Injection injector, delivering superior outcomes to her valued patients. In addition to Wrinkle Injection, Dr. Roz specializes in a range of dermal fillers, including Radiesse, Boltero, Juvederm, and Voluma, offering comprehensive facial rejuvenation solutions. Our clinic takes pride in providing remarkable results that enhance your natural beauty. Join the ranks of satisfied patients, like Candice in Dayton, OH, who have experienced Dr. Roz’s expertise and the friendly staff’s exceptional care.

Wrinkle Injection cosmetic is a highly effective and non-surgical treatment for facial rejuvenation. By minimizing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, it offers remarkable improvements in your appearance within days of receiving the treatment. FDA-approved for forehead creases and crow’s feet, Wrinkle Injection has become the go-to solution for those seeking a youthful and refreshed look. Dr. Roz’s expertise in Wrinkle Injection injections ensures precise placement, resulting in natural-looking results that leave you feeling more confident and rejuvenated.

Sara, a satisfied patient from Dayton, OH, shares her positive experience with Dr. Roz's Botox® treatments. As a model, Sara's face has to be on point, and thanks to Dr. Roz's exceptional skills, she looks better now than she did at 25! Apart from Dr. Roz's amazing abilities, Sara also praises the friendly and accommodating staff, who always find a way to accommodate her schedule despite having two young children. Dr. Roz's expertise combined with a warm and supportive environment makes her the go-to choice for Botox® treatments in Dayton, OH.



Wrinkle Injection results start appearing in 2 to 3 days, with gradual improvements for the next two weeks. The final results will be evident within 2 weeks and last for 3 to 4 months. Most patients need 3 to 4 Wrinkle Injection sessions per year to maintain the results.

Recovery & Aftercare

Wrinkle Injection in Dayton treatments are completely safe and painless. You may experience mild redness, swelling, and bruising for a few days, but you can immediately resume your daily activities and work. The risk of complications is negligible. However, you should keep your head elevated for a few hours, prevent strenuous workouts for a day, and avoid direct sunlight.


BOTOX is a cosmetic treatment offered at Total Health and Wellness Medspa that involves injecting a purified form of botulinum toxin into targeted muscles to temporarily relax them and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

The cost of BOTOX at Total Health and Wellness varies depending on the treatment area and the amount of product needed. Our experienced practitioners will provide you with an estimate during your consultation.

BOTOX at Total Health and Wellness is administered by our qualified and experienced practitioners, including Dr. Roz. They have extensive training in cosmetic injectables and are dedicated to providing safe and effective treatments.

BOTOX at Total Health and Wellness is commonly used to treat wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes (crow’s feet). It can also be used to treat other facial wrinkles and neck bands.

The effects of BOTOX at Total Health and Wellness typically last between three to six months, depending on the individual and the treatment area.

BOTOX at Total Health and Wellness is considered a safe and effective treatment when administered by our qualified and experienced practitioners.

Prior to your BOTOX treatment at Total Health and Wellness, we recommend that you avoid blood-thinning medications and alcohol and let us know if you have any medical conditions or allergies.

After your BOTOX treatment at Total Health and Wellness, we recommend that you avoid rubbing the injection site and avoid lying down for at least four hours. Our practitioners will provide you with additional post-treatment instructions.

The effects of BOTOX at Total Health and Wellness usually become noticeable within a few days to a week after treatment.

BOTOX should not be used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Please let us know if you are pregnant or breastfeeding during your consultation.

Dr. Roz

Dr. Roz MD is a gynecology and anti-aging medspa in Dayton, Ohio. We believe the way you think about yourself impacts your health, and we aim to ensure you feel fabulous when you look in the mirror. Please schedule a consultation to discuss your treatment options.

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